Publications with Gi-hwon Kwon 
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Books and proceedings
  1. Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc and Gi-hwon Kwon, editors. Proceedings of the 21th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, December 2014. IEEE CS Press.

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Gi-hwon Kwon, and Pornsiri Muenchaisri. Guest Editorial: Special Section with the Extensions to the Best Papers from APSEC'13 and APSEC'14. In Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Gi-hwon Kwon, and Pornsiri Muenchaisri, editors, Information and Software Technology (IST), volume 74, chapter 1, pages 181--182. Elsevier, June 2016. Note: 2 pages. [Text ] Keyword(s): Topic: Evolution patterns, Venue: IST.