Publications with Marco Tulio Valente 
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Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. João Eduardo Montandon, Cristiano Politowski, Luciana Lourdes Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Fábio Petrillo, and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc. What Skills do IT Companies look for in New Developers? A Study with Stack Overflow Jobs. Information and Software Technology (IST), 129:106429, January 2020. Note: 6 pages. Short article. [Text ] Keyword(s): Topic: Quality models, Venue: IST.

  2. Cristiano Politowski, Fabio Petrillo, João Eduardo Montandon, Marco Tulio Valente, and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc. Are Game Engines Software Frameworks? A Three-perspective Study. Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 171:110846, October 2020. Note: 22 pages. [Text ] Keyword(s): Topic: Video game development, Venue: JSS.