Some publications by Mohammad Ghoniem
Articles in journal or book chapters
Mohammad Ghoniem,
Jean-Daniel Fekete,
and Philippe Castagliola.
Readability of Graphs Using Node-Link and Matrix-Based Representations: Controlled Experiment and Statistical Analysis.
Information Visualization,
Summer 2005.
Mohammad Ghoniem,
Hadrien Cambazard,
Jean-Daniel Fekete,
and Narendra Jussien.
Peeking in Solver Strategies: Using Explanations Visualization of Dynamic Graphs for Constraint Programming.
In Thomas L. Naps and Wim De Pauw, editors,
Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Software Visualization,
pages 27--36,
May 2005.
ACM Press.
Mohammad Ghoniem,
Jean-Daniel Fekete,
and Philippe Castagliola.
A Comparison of the Readability of Graphs Using Node-Link and Matrix-Based Representations.
In Matt Ward and Tamara Munzner, editors,
Proceedings of the 10th symposium on Information Visualisation,
pages 17--24,
October 2004.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
Mohammad Ghoniem,
Narendra Jussien,
and Jean-Daniel Fekete.
VISEXP: Visualizing Constraint Solver Dynamics Using Explanations.
In Valerie Barr and Zdravko Marko, editors,
Proceedings of the 17th international Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference,
pages 263--268,
May 2004.
AAAI Press.
Mohammad Ghoniem and Jean-Daniel Fekete.
Visualisation matricielle des graphes et manipulation directe de hiérarchies de clusters.
In Éric Brangier and Christophe Kolski, editors,
actes de la 15e conférence sur l'Interaction Homme--Machine,
novembre 2003.
ACM Press.
Note: Soumis pour publication.
Mohammad Ghoniem,
Narendra Jussien,
and Jean-Daniel Fekete.
Visualizing Explanations to Exhibit Dynamic Structure in Constraint Problems.
In Barry O'Sullivan and Eugene C. Freuder, editors,
Proceedings of the 3rd CP workshop on User-Interaction in Constraint Satisfaction,
pages 1--15,
September--October 2003.
Cork Constraint Computation Centre, Department of Computer Science, University College Cork.
Mohammad Ghoniem and Jean-Daniel Fekete.
Visualisation de graphes de co-activité par matrices d'adjacence.
In Éric Lecolinet and Dominique L. Scapin, editors,
actes de la 14e conférence sur l'Interaction Homme--Machine,
pages 279--282,
octobre 2002.
ACM Press.
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