Some publications by Sun Microsystems


Internal reports
  1. Sun Microsystems. Class Java.Lang.Reflect.Proxy. Technical report, 2000. [WWW ]

  2. Sun Microsystems. Dynamic Proxy Classes. Technical report, Sun Microsystems, 2000. [WWW ]

  3. Sun Microsystems. Generating Event Listeners Dynamically -- Using Dynamic Proxies to Generate Event Listeners Dynamically. Technical report, 2000. [WWW ]

  4. Sun Microsystems. Package Java.Lang.Ref. Technical report, 2000.

  5. Sun Microsystems. Tuning Garbage Collection with the 1.3.1 Java Virtual Machine. Technical report, Sun Microsystems, 1999. [WWW ]

Manuals, booklets
  1. Sun Microsystems. Compiling for the Java Virtual Machine. Sun Microsystems, 2000. [WWW ]

  2. Sun Microsystems. Java Abstract Window Toolkit. May 2000. [WWW ]

  1. Sun Microsystems. Java Platform Debug Architecture, 2002. [WWW ]

  2. Sun Microsystems. extttSystem.runFinalizersOnExit(boolean), May 2002. [WWW ]

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