Some publications by Lothar Wendehals
Jörg Niere,
Jörg P. Wadsack,
and Lothar Wendehals.
Handling Large Search Space in Pattern-based Reverse Engineering.
In Ken Wong and Rainer Koschke, editors,
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Program Comprehension,
pages 274-280,
May 2003.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Jörg Niere,
Wilhelm Schäfer,
Jörg P. Wadsack,
Lothar Wendehals,
and Jim Welsh.
Towards Pattern-based Design Recovery.
In Michal Young and Jeff Magee, editors,
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering,
pages 338--348,
May 2002.
ACM Press.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
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