Some miscellaneous


  1. Saliha Boudensa. Traçabilité des refactorisations entre code et modèles. Master's thesis, DIRO, Université de Montréal, 2006.

  2. CVS, September 2006. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  3. Subversion, September 2006. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  4. Kostas Kontogiannis. ICPC Web-site, April 2006. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  5. Companion Web site. September 2006. [WWW ]

  1. Stefan Slinger. Code Smell Detection in Eclipse. Master's thesis, Delft University of Technology, 2005.

  2. Galicia. Galicia, September 2005. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  3. Compuware JavaCentral. OptimalAdvisor, May 2005. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  4. Inc. Logic Explorers. Code Logic, August 2005. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  5. McCabe. McCabe, August 2005. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  6. Omondo. Describe, August 2005. Note: EclipseUML Free Edition is a visual modeling tool, natively integrated with Eclipse 3.1 and JDK 5. EclipseUML Studio Edition offers full support for UML diagrams, team work, data J2ee modeling and dynamic collaboration to any other plugins. [WWW ]

  7. Bill Venners. How to Use Design Patterns -- A Conversation with Erich Gamma, Part I, May 2005. Note: Rl [WWW ]

  8. the JavaPLT group at Rice University. DrJava, August 2005. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  1. Artho. JLint, July 2004. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  2. Olivier Beaurepaire and Jean-Louis Letouzey. Description d'une méthode de mise en qualite des logiciels, April 2004.

  3. IBM. Structural Analysis for Java, March 2004. [WWW ]

  4. Jussi Koskinen. Software Maintenance Costs, September 2004. Note: Web site. [WWW ]

  5. Mark J. Anderson and Shari L. Kraber. Keys to Successful Design of Experiments. , January 2004. [WWW ]

  1. Reda Bendraou. Élaboration d'un méta-modèle pivot pour la migration de SI basée sur la transformation de modèles. Master's thesis, LRI, Université de Paris-Sud XI, septembre 2003.

  2. Leon Brooks. Picking up your marbles, February 2003. [WWW ]

  3. Auknomi Co.. software development methodology, 2003. Note: Http://

  4. DGTIC. Configuration des paramètres réseau sous Windows 2000, décembre 2003. [WWW ]

  5. Jörg Denzinger. CPSC 333/SENG 311: Foundations of Software Engineering, February 2003. [WWW ]

  6. Mathieu Guyon. La mémoire, novembre 2003. Note: Cours de psychologie cognitive.

  7. Mathieu Guyon. Le concept de mémoire de travail, novembre 2003. Note: Cours de psychologie cognitive.

  8. Mathieu Guyon. Le traitement cognitif des documents multimédias, novembre 2003. Note: Cours de psychologie cognitive.

  9. Mathieu Guyon. Les mécanismes attentionnels, novembre 2003. Note: Cours de psychologie cognitive.

  10. Henry Habrias. Journée Droit et Informatique, avril 2003. [WWW ]

  11. Marianne Huchard. Curriculum Vitae et sélection d'articles, Mars 2003.

  12. Pierre Le Hir. La recherche française dans la spirale du déclin, mars 2003. [WWW ]

  13. Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, March 2003. [WWW ]

  14. Matt Seaton. Blast from the past, February 2003. [WWW ]

  15. Bill Venners. A Conversation with James Gosling -- Part, June 2003. Note: Analyze this! Series. [WWW ]

  16. Google Watch. We nominated Google for the 2003 U.S. coporate Big Brother of the Year, March 2003. [WWW ]

  17. L'éditorial du Monde. Echec américain, mars 2003. [WWW ]

  18. Open-source project. Azureus, June 2003. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  19. Office québécois de la langue française. Grand dictionnaire terminologique en ligne, février 2003. [WWW ]

  20. Steffen van Bakel. Notes for Assured Software: Semantics Course Information, January 2003. [WWW ]

  21. Pascal Rapicault, Mireille Blay-Fornarino, Jean-Paul Rigault, and Estelle Ringenbach. Modelling Frameworks to Facilitate their Usage: The Framework Customisation Model and the Babylon Tool. , December 2003.

  1. Ross Anderson. FAQ TCPA / Palladium, July 2002. [WWW ]

  2. Aqris. RefactorIT, 2002. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  3. Bo Berglund. CVSNT Installation Background, December 2002. [WWW ]

  4. Ugo Chirico. JIProlog, April 2002. [WWW ]

  5. James Cross. Reengineering and Reverse Engineering Terminology, November 2002. [WWW ]

  6. Pierre-Charles David. Rapport de mission -- OOPSLA 2002, November 2002.

  7. Peter Baer Galvin. Storage Consolidation-Part 3, August 2002. Note: Http://

  8. Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. JUnit. Web site, 2002. [WWW ]

  9. Tom Gruber. What is an Ontology?, February 2002. [WWW ]

  10. IBM. Common Public License and Common Public License FAQ, July 2002. [WWW ]

  11. Object Technology International / IBM. Eclipse Help System, November 2002.

  12. Michael Jennings. Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going, December 2002. [WWW ]

  13. Sun Microsystems. Java Platform Debug Architecture, 2002. [WWW ]

  14. Sun Microsystems. extttSystem.runFinalizersOnExit(boolean), May 2002. [WWW ]

  15. Michael Moore. Lettre de Michael Moore à Georges W. Bush, septembre 2002. [WWW ]

  16. Edgar David Villanueva Nuñez. To: Señor Juan Alberto González, April 2002. [WWW ]

  17. Jörg Niere. Fuzzy Logic Based Interactive Recovery of Software Design. Note: Presented at the ICSE Doctoral Symposium, May 2002. [WWW ]

  1. Elisa Baniassad. PhD Thesis Proposal: Linking Design to Source Code Using Design Rationale Graphs, May 2001. [WWW ]

  2. Romuald Debruyne, Jean-Daniel Fekete, and Narendra Jussien. Proposition de format concret pour des traces générées par des solveurs de contraintes, novembre 2001. Note: Réalisation RNTL OADymPPaC v2.2.2.1. [WWW ]

  3. Matthew E. Ferris. Java Programming for Palm OS, 2001. [WWW ]

  4. Richard Hubert. ArcStyler -- The Architectural IDE for MDA, November 2001. [WWW ]

  5. Object Technology International / IBM. Eclipse Platform -- A Universal Tool Platform, July 2001. [WWW ]

  6. London Metropolitan Police. Sir Edward Henry -- Fingerprint pioneer and founder of the Fingerprint Bureau at Scotland Yard, July 2001. Note: See 100years/henry.htm.

  7. L. Bruce Railsback. T. C. Chamberlin's ``Method of Multiple Working Hypotheses: An Encapsulation for Modern Students, 2001. [WWW ]

  8. Sylvain Vauttier. Re: Association, agrégation, composition, mai 2001. Note: Courrier électronique personnel, disponible sur demande.

  9. Mikal Ziane. LUTIN -- Outillage Des Patrons de Conception et D'architecture Avec Prise En Compte de Leur Sémantique, Mai 2001. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  10. Michael A. Beedle. A Unified Theory of Software Patterns. Note: Submitted to OOPSLA 2001., October 2001. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  11. Denis Caromel and Julien Vayssiere. Combining Security with Meta Programming in Java. , 2001.

  12. Jonathan I. Maletic, Tony Colston, and Andrian Marcus. A Table Based Viewer / Editor for Object-Oriented Class Specifications and Hierarchies. , 2001.

  13. Kris De Volder. Implementing Design Patterns as Declarative Code Generators. Note: Submitted to ECOOP 2001., 2001. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  1. Abass Ndiaye and Jacques Noyé. Enterprise JavaBeans & Modèle de Composants Serveurs À Grain Fin. Master's thesis, Université de Nantes (France), 2000.

  2. Association, Aggregation, Composition, Delegation, 2000.

  3. Hervé Albin-Amiot. Introduction Au Système de Chargement Dynamique de Classes Java Ou ``ClassLoader, November 2000.

  4. Xavier Alvarez. MOOSE/FAMIX: An Informal Presentation, 2000. Note: Presentation to the Objects, Components, and Models team at the CS department of the Ecole des Mines de Nantes.

  5. Federico Bergenti and Agostino Poggi. Improving UML Design Using Automatic Design Pattern Detection, July 2000. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  6. Daniel Jackson and Martin Rinard. Software Analysis: A Roadmap, June 2000. Note: Talk at the ICSE conference. [WWW ]

  7. Tae-gyun Kim. A Research on Coding Legacy Program Source Code Parser, December 2000. Note: Report on a project for Servlet reverse-engineering. [WWW ]

  8. Ludger Martin and Elke Siemon. Component Visualization Based on the Programmer's Conceptual Models, June 2000. Note: Poster at OOPSLA'00.

  9. François Merand and Emmanuel Deletang. Dévelopement de Composants Multi-Niveaux Avec Microsoft Windows 2000, 2000.

  10. Qualitec -- Groupe Sodifrance. Scriptor -- Le générateur nouvelle génération, 2000. [WWW ]

  11. Sourceforge. JRefactory, October 2000. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  12. Rational Software Technical Support. What is the Difference Between Aggregation and Composition and How are They Represented in Rose?, March 2000. [WWW ]

  13. William C. Wake. Java Coding Conventions on One Page, 2000.

  14. Universität Wien. Aggregation and Composite Objects., July 2000. [WWW ]

  15. Kent Beck et al.. Code Smells at Wiki, 2000. [WWW ]

  16. Hervé Albin-Amiot. Idiomes et Patterns : Application À la Documentation, la Génération, la Rétro-Conception et la Traduction Automatique de Programmes. , 2000. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  1. Marcelo Machado Feres. Detecting Design Defects in Object-Oriented Software. Master's thesis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, École des Mines de Nantes, 1999.

  2. Olivier Motelet. An Intelligent Tutoring System to Help OO System Designers Using Design Patterns. Master's thesis, Vrije Universitët, 1999. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  3. Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein. Design Patterns Extraction for Software Documentation. Master's thesis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, École des Mines de Nantes, 1999. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  4. Ladan Tahvildari. Assessing the impact of using design pattern based systems. Master's thesis, University of Waterloo, 1999. Note: Http:// ltahvild.

  5. Michiaki Tatsubori. An Extension Mechanism for the Java Language. Master's thesis, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tsukuba, 1999. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  6. Mathias Braux. Evaluation Partielle de la Réflexion Dans Java, 1999.

  7. The Refactory Inc.. Refactoring Browser, October 1999. Note: Http://, [WWW ]

  8. Don Roberts, John Brant, and Ralph Johnson. A Refactoring Tool for Smalltalk, 1999.

  9. Alan Shalloway. Thinking in Patterns -- Using Design Patterns to Maximize Java's Object-Oriented Capabilities, 1999. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  10. David Skogan. Application Schema Specific Data Structure, May 1999. [WWW ]

  11. Thomas Wallet. Constraint-Based Design Recovery for Software Reengineering. , 1999.

  1. Erich Gamma and Thomas Eggenschwiler. JHotDraw. Web site, 1998. Note: [WWW ]

  2. Görel Hedin, Anders Ive, Khalid Mughal, Kurt Normark, Henrik Ron, and Kasper \Osterbye. Report from TSA-1. Tools for Design Patterns, 1998. Note: Subsubworkshop held as part of the NWPER'98 subworkshop on Tools for Software Architecture (TSA).Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  3. Robert C. Martin. Association, Aggregation, and Composition Relationships, 1998. [WWW ]

  4. Guy L. Steel. Growing a Language. , October 1998.

  1. Magnus Kardell. A Classification of Object-oriented Design Patterns. Master's thesis, Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, April 1997. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  2. John Brant. Smalllint, April 1997. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  3. Alistair Cockburn. Thoughts on the Workshop Topic, October 1997. [WWW ]

  4. B. Ganter and R. Wille. Applied Lattice Theory: Formal Concept Analysis, 1997. [WWW ]

  5. Ralph Johnson. Classic Smalltalk Bugs, 1997. [WWW ]

  1. Pieter Van Winsen. (Re)Engineering with Object Oriented Design Patterns. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Utrecht, 1996. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  2. Robert C. Martin. Interface Segregation Principle, November-December 1996. Note: Engineering Notebook, \Cpp Report. [WWW ]

  3. Dedene Guido Snoeck Monique, Wijsen Jozef. Formal Specifications in Object Oriented Analysis: A comparative View, May 1996. Note: Http://

  1. Bertrand Rousseau, Alberto Aimar, Arash Khodabandeh, and Paolo Palazzi. Filling the Gap Between OO Methodologies and Programming Languages. Note: Programming Techniques Group, CERN ECP Division, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland., March 1995. [WWW ]

  1. Narendra Jussien. Annexe A -- Complexité. Master's thesis, IMA 4, 1993.

  2. ISO. International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology, international organization for standardization., 1993.

  3. Edward P.K. Tsang. Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction -- Preface, 1993. [WWW ]

  1. Jean Vaucher. Guide pratique de l'évaluation (littérale), septembre 1991. Note: Guide to attribute marks to students.

  1. IEEE Computer Society. IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology: IEEE Standard 610.121990, 1990. [WWW ] Keyword(s): diss.

  1. Frank Rubin. ``Go To Considered Harmful Considered Harmful. ACM Forum, March 1987.

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