Some publications of year 1990


Books and proceedings
  1. Boris Beizer. Software Testing Techniques. van Nostrand Reinhold, 2nd edition, 1990.

  2. David N. Card and Robert L. Glass. Measuring software design quality. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1990.

  3. B. A. Davey and H. A. Priestley. Introduction to Lattices and Order. Cambridge University Press, 1990.

  4. Charles Rich and Richard C. Waters. The Programmer's Apprentice. ACM Press Frontier Series and Addison-Wesley, 1st edition, January 1990.

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Elliot .J. Chikofsky and James H. Cross II. Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery -- A Taxonomy. IEEE Software, 7(1):13--17, January 1990.

  2. F. Distante, M.G. Sami, and G. Storti Gajani. A general configurable architecture for WSI implementation for neural nets. IEEE Xplore, pp 116--123, January 1990.

  3. Wilma M. Osborne and Elliot J. Chikofsky. Fitting Pieces to the Maintenance Puzzle -- Guest Editors' Introduction. IEEE Software, 7(1):11--12, January 1990.

  4. Kathleen Potosnak. Human Factors -- Pruning Your Programs' Unused Functions. IEEE Software, 7(1):122--124, January 1990.

  5. Rubén Prieto-Dìaz. Domain Analysis: An Introduction. Software Engineering Notes, 15(2):47--54, April 1990. [WWW ]

  6. Charles Rich and Linda M. Wills. Recognizing a Program's Design: A Graph-Parsing Approach. IEEE Software, 7(1):82--89, January 1990.

  7. Pamela Samuelson. Reverse-Engineering Someone Else's Software: Is It Legal?. Software, 7(1):90--96, January/February 1990. [WWW ]

Conference articles
  1. Sanjiv Gossain and Bruce Anderson. An Iterative-design Model for Reusable Object-oriented Software. In Norman K. Meyrowitz, editor, Proceedings of the 5th conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications and of the 4th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, pages 12--27, October 1990. ACM Press. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  2. Brian Cantwell Smith. What do you mean, meta?. In Mamdouh H. Ibrahim, editor, Proceedings of the 1stECOOP/OOPSLA workshop on Reflection and Metalevel Architectures in Object-Oriented Programming, October 1990. Springer-Verlag. [WWW ]

Internal reports
  1. Edward V. Berard. Object-Oriented Programming Languages. Technical report, The Object Agency, L.L.C., January 1990. [WWW ]

  2. Lionel E. Deimel and J. Fernando Naveda. Reading Computer Programs: Instructor's Guide and Exercises. Technical report CMU/SEI-90-EM-3, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, August 1990. [WWW ]

  3. Wayne Zage and Dolores Zage. Relating Design Metrics to Software Quality: Some Empirical Results. Technical report SERC-TR-74-P, Software Engineering Research Center, University of Purdue, 1990.

  1. IEEE Computer Society. IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology: IEEE Standard 610.121990, 1990. [WWW ] Keyword(s): diss.

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