Some publications of year 2000


Books and proceedings
  1. James Gosling, Bill Joy, and Guy Steele. The Java Language Specification. Addison-Wesley, 2nd edition, June 2000. [WWW ]

  2. Stephan H. Kan. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering. Addison-Wesley publishing Company, 2000.

  3. Eric Steven Raymond. The Cathedral and the Bazaar. Eric S. Raymond, Revision 1.57 edition, September 2000. [WWW ]

  1. Amnon H. Eden. Precise Specification of Design Patterns and Tool Support in their Application. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Tel Aviv, 2000. [WWW ]

  2. Hervé Leblanc. Sous-Hiérarchie de Galois : Un Modèle Pour la Construction et L'évolution Des Hiérarchies D'objets. PhD thesis, Information, Structures et Systèmes, décembre 2000.

  3. Richard Lemesle. Techniques de Modélisation et de Métamodélisation. PhD thesis, université de Nantes, octobre 2000.

  4. Bordin Sapsomboon. Shared Defect Detection : The Effects of Annotations in Asynchronous Software Inspection.. PhD thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 2000.

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Bruno Bachimont. Engagement Sémantique et Engagement Ontologique : Conception et Réalisation D'ontologies En Ingénierie Des Connaissances, chapter 19, pages 305--324. Eyrolles, Février 2000. [WWW ]

  2. Anthony Lauder and Stuart Kent. Legacy System Anti-Patterns and a Pattern-Oriented Migration Response. In Peter Henderson, editor, Systems Engineering for Business Process Change, chapter 16, pages 1--8. Springer-Verlag, March 2000. [WWW ]

  3. Mel Ó Cinnéide and Paddy Nixon. Composite Refactorings for Java Programs. Proceedings of the ECOOP workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs, 2000.

  4. Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse, and Oscar Nierstrasz. Object-Oriented Reengineering OOPSLA'00 Tutorial. OOPSLA Tutorial Notes, 2000.

  5. Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse, and Oscar Nierstrasz. Tie Code And Questions: A Reengineering Pattern. 2000.

  6. Rémi Douence and Mario Südholt. A Generic Reification Technique for OO Reflective Languages. Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, June 2000.

  7. Rémi Douence and Mario Südholt. On the Lightweight and Selective Introduction of Reflective Capabilities in Applications. Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, June 2000.

  8. Len Erlikh. Leveraging Legacy System Dollars for E-Business. IT Professional, 2(3):17--23, 2000.

  9. Julio Garcìa-Martìn and Miguel Sutil-Martìn. Virtual Machines and Abstract Compilers -- Towards a Compiler Pattern Language. Proceedings of EuroPloP, 2000.

  10. Thierry Géraud and Alexandre Duret-Lutz. Generic Programming Redesign of Patterns. Proceedings of EuroPLoP, 2000. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  11. R. Harrison, S. J. Counsell, and R. V. Nithi. Experimental Assessment of the Effect of Inheritance on the Maintainability of Object-Oriented Systems. journal of Systems and Software, 52(2--3), 2000.

  12. Anita Hauer and Tim Boer. Developing Web Application Using VisualAge for Java and WebSphere Studio. Java Developers Journal, pp 92--94, 2000.

  13. John L. Henning. SPEC CPU2000: Measuring CPU Performance in the New Millennium. pp 28--35, 2000.

  14. Brian Huston. The Effects of Design Pattern Application on Metric Scores. Journal of Systems and Software, 58(3):261--269, September 2000. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  15. Prasad Jogalekar and Murray Woodside. Evaluating the Scalability of Distributed Systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, March 2000. Note: Http:// maheswar/anc/PAPERS/JoW00.pdf.

  16. Norman Fenton Martin Neil and Lars Nielsen. Building large-scale Bayesian Networks. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 15, 2000. Note:

  17. Bertrand Meyer. The Ethics of Free Software. Software Development Magazine, March 2000. [WWW ]

  18. Naftaly Minsky and Victoria Ungureanu. Law-Governed Interaction: A Coordination & Control Mechanism for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 9(3):273--205, July 2000. [WWW ]

  19. Monty. A rebuttal to Meyer's ``The Ethics of Free Software., pp 1--12, May 2000. [WWW ]

  20. Lutz Prechelt, Barbara Unger, Walter F. Tichy, Peter Brössler, and Lawrence G. Votta. A Controlled Experiment in Maintenance Comparing Design Patterns to Simpler Solutions. Transactions on Software Engineering, 2000. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  21. Mariá José Presso. Declarative Description of Component Models as a Means to Support Generic Builder Tools. April 2000.

  22. Barry Redmond and Vinny Cahill. Iguana/J: Towards a Dynamic and Efficient Reflective Architecture for Java. Proceedings of 14th European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming, June 2000.

  23. Gregor Snelting and Frank Tip. Understanding Class Hierarchies Using Concept Analysis. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 22:540--582, 2000.

  24. Sara Stoeddin and Clement Allen. Implementing Fowler's Analysis Validator Pattern in Java. Java Developers Journal, pp 44--54, 2000. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  25. Pallavi Y. Tambay. Constrained Objects for Modeling Complex Structures. Proceedings of the conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, 2000.

  26. Frank Tip and Peter F. Sweeney. Class Hierarchy Specialization. Acta Informatica, 36(12):927--982, 2000.

  27. Emiliano Tramontana. Reflective Architecture for Changing Objects. proceeding of 14${th}$ European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming, June 2000.

  28. Naoko Yamasaki and Tetsuro Kakeshita. An Understandability Metrics for Object Oriented Programs. 2000.

  29. Arie van Deursen, Paul Klint, and Joost Visser. Domain-Specific Languages: An Annotated Bibliography. SIGPLAN Notices, 35(6):26--36, June 2000. [WWW ]

Conference articles
  1. Martin Abadi and Peter Lee. Bytecode Verification and Proof-Carrying Code. In , 2000. Bell Labs Research, Lucent Technologies, CMU & Cedilla Systems.

  2. Pascal André, Annya Romanczuk, Jean-Claude Royer, and Aline Vasconcelos. An Algebraic View of UML Class Diagrams. In Christophe Dony and Houari Sahraoui, editors, Proceedings of the 6th colloquium on Languages and Models with Objects, pages 261--276, January 2000. Hermès Science Publications. [WWW ]

  3. K. H. Bennett and V.T Rajlich. Software Maintenance and Evolution: a Roadmap. In Anthony Finkelstein, editor, The Future of Software Engineering, 2000. ACM Press.

  4. Federico Bergenti and Agostino Poggi. IDEA: A Design Assistant Based on Automatic Design Pattern Detection. In Dan Cooke and Joseph Urban, editors, Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pages 336--343, July 2000. Springer-Verlag. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  5. Frank Buschmann. Applying Patterns. In , 2000. Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Dpt Software & Engineering. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  6. Craig Chambers, Bill Harrison, and John Vlissides. A Debate on Language and Tool Support for Design Patterns. In Tom Reps, editor, proceeding of the 27th Conference on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 277--289, January 2000. ACM Press. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  7. M. Ajmal Chaumun, Hind Kabaili, Rudolf K. Keller, François Lustman, and Guy Saint-Denis. Design Properties and Object-Oriented Software Changeability. In Jürgen Ebert and Chris Verhoef, editors, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, pages 45--54, February 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  8. Shigeru Chiba. Load-Time Structural Reflection in Java. In Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, pages 313--336, October 2000. Springer Verlag. [WWW ]

  9. Mel Ó Cinnéide. Automated Refactoring to Introduce Design Patterns. In Jeff Magee and Mauro Pezzè, editors, Proceedings of the ICSE Doctoral Workshop, June 2000. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  10. Pascal Costanza. Separation of Object Identity Concerns. In Proceedings of the ECCOP workshop on Aspects and Dimensions of Concerns, June 2000. Springer-Verlag. [WWW ]

  11. Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse, and Oscar Nierstrasz. Finding Refactorings Via Change Metrics. In Doug Lea, editor, Proceedings of 15th Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications, pages 166--177, October 2000. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  12. Stéphane Ducasse, Michele Lanza, and Sander Tichelaar. Moose: an Extensible Language-Independent Environment for Reengineering Object-Oriented Systems. In CoSET '00: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Constructing Software Engineering Tools, June 2000.

  13. Wolfgang Emmerich. Software Engineering and Middleware: A Roadmap. In Mehdi Jazayeri and Alexander Wolf, editors, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 117--129, June 2000. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  14. Norman E. Fenton and Martin Neil. Software Metrics: A Roadmap. In Mehdi Jazayeri and Alexander Wolf, editors, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 357--370, June 2000. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  15. William Harrison, Charles Barton, and Mukund Raghavachari. Mapping UML Designs to Java. In Doug Lea, editor, Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 178--188, October 2000. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  16. Mary Jean Harrold. Testing: A Roadmap. In Mehdi Jazayeri and Alexander Wolf, editors, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on on Software Engineering, pages 61--72, June 2000. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  17. Marianne Huchard and Hervé Leblanc. Computing Interfaces in Java.. In ASE, pages 317-320, 2000.

  18. Daniel Jackson and Martin C. Rinard. Software Analysis: A Roadmap. In Mehdi Jazayeri and Alexander Wolf, editors, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering, future of software engineering track, pages 133--145, June 2000. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  19. Jens H. Jahnke and Jörg Wadsack. The Varlet Analyst: Employing Imperfect Knowledge in Database Reverse Engineering Tools. In Qing Li, Z. Meral Ozsoyoglu, and Roland Wagner, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd ICSE Workshop on Intelligent Software Engineering, pages 59--69, June 2000. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  20. Narendra Jussien and Vincent Barichard. The PaLM System: Explanation-Based Constraint Programming. In Nicolas Beldiceanu, Warwick Harvey, Martin Henz, François Laburthe, Eric Monfroy, Tobias Müller, Laurent Perron, and Christian Schulte, editors, Proceedings of TRICS: Techniques foR Implementing Constraint Programming Systems, pages 118--133, September 2000. School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Note: TRA9/00.

  21. Narendra Jussien and Olivier Lhomme. Local Search with Constraint Propagation and Conflict-Based Heuristics. In Henry A. Kautz and Bruce Porter, editors, Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 169--174, July--August 2000. AAAI Press / The MIT Press.

  22. Rudolf K. Keller and Reinhard Schauer. Towards a Quantitative Assessment of Method Replacement. In Jürgen Ebert and Chris Verhoef, editors, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, pages 141--150, February 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  23. François Laburthe and Le Projet OCRE. Choco : implémentation du noyau d'un système de contraintes. In Christian Bessière, editor, actes des 6e Journées Nationales sur la résolution de Problèmes NP-Complets, pages 151–-165, juin 2000. ONERA. [WWW ]

  24. Roberto Meli, Alain Abran, Vinh T. Ho, and Serge Oligny. On the Applicability of COSMIC-FFP for Measuring Software Throughout its Life Cycle. In Proceedings of the 11th European Software Control and Metric Conference, April 2000. Shaker Publications. [WWW ]

  25. Hausi A. Muller, Jens H. Jahnke, Dennis B. Smith, Margaret-Anne D. Storey, Scott R. Tilley, and Kenny Wong. Reverse engineering: a roadmap. In ICSE --- Future of SE Track, pages 47-60, 2000. [WWW ]

  26. David J. Murray and Dale E. Parson. Automated Debugging in Java Using OCL and JDI. In Mireille Ducassé, editor, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Automated Debugging, August 2000. [WWW ]

  27. Kurt Normark. Requirements for an Elucidative Programming Environment. In Harald Gall and Anneliese von Mayrhauser, editors, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Program Comprehension, pages 119--128, June 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  28. Pascal Rapicault and Mireille Fornarino. Instanciation et Vérification de Patterns de Conception : un Méta-Protocole. In Christophe Dony and Houari Sahraoui, editors, actes du 6e colloque Langages et Modèles à Objets, pages 43--58, janvier 2000. Hermès Science Publications. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  29. Steven P. Reiss and Manos Renieris. Generating Java Trace Data. In Dennis Gannon and Piyush Mehrotra, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Java Grande, pages 71--77, June 2000. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  30. Houari A. Sahraoui, Robert Godin, and Thierry Miceli. Can Metrics Help Bridging the Gap Between the Improvement of OO Design Quality and Its Automation?. In IEEE Computer Society, editor, Software Maintenance, 2000. Proceedings. International Conference on, pages 154-162, October 2000. [WWW ]

  31. Houari A. Sahraoui, Robert Godin, and Thierry Miceli. Can Metrics Help to Bridge the Gap Between the Improvement of OO Design Quality and Its Automation?. In ICSM '00: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'00), Washington, DC, USA, pages 154, 2000. IEEE Computer Society.

  32. Kamran Sartipi, Kostas Kontogiannis, and Farhad Mavaddat. Architectural Design Recovery Using Data Mining Techniques. In Jürgen Ebert and Chris Verhoef, editors, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, pages 129--140, March 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  33. Susan Elliott Sim and Margaret-Anne D. Storey. A Structured Demonstration of Program Comprehension Tools. In Kostas Kontogiannis and Françoise Balmas, editors, Proceedings of the 7th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, pages 184--193, November 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  34. Gerson Sunyé, Alain Le Guennec, and Jean-Marc Jézéquel. Design Patterns Application in UML. In Elisa Bertino, editor, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming, pages 44--62, June 2000. Springer-Verlag. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  35. Arthur Tateishi and Andrew Walenstein. Applying Traditional Unix Tools during Maintenance: An Experience Report. In Françoise Balmas and Kostas Kontogiannis, editors, Proceedings of the 7th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, pages 203--206, November 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  36. Sander Tichelaar, Stephane Ducasse, Serge Demeyer, and Oscar Nierstrasz. A Meta-model for Language-Independent Refactoring. In Proceedings of ISPSE '00 (International Conference on Software Evolution), pages 157-167, 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press.

  37. John B. Tran, Michael W. Godfrey, Eric H.S. Lee, and Richard C. Holt. Architectural Repair of Open Source Software. In proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Program Comprehension, pages 48--57, June 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press.

Internal reports
  1. A Framework for Automatic Transformation of UML Models. Technical report, IRISA, June 2000. [WWW ]

  2. Johan Brichau. Declarative Meta Programming for a Language Extensibility Mechanism. Technical report Vub-Prog-TR-00-09, Programming Technology Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, March 2000. [WWW ]

  3. Michaël Brung. A Two-Steps Verifier: Reducing the Impact of Java Verification on Embedded Devices. Industrial project report, École des Mines de Nantes, Object Technology International, July 2000.

  4. Scott Hommel. Java Code Conventions. Technical report, Sun Microsystems, 2000.

  5. Andrew Hussey and Brenton Atchison. Safe Architectural Design Principles. Technical report 00-19, Software Verification Research Centre, University of Queensland, 2000. [WWW ]

  6. Nazmul Idris. Introduction to Threads. Technical report,, August 2000. [WWW ]

  7. Tony K. T. Leung. Plugging Memory Leaks. Technical report, DevX, 2000.

  8. Frank Manola. Analysis and Design Models. Technical report, 2000. [WWW ]

  9. Sun Microsystems. Class Java.Lang.Reflect.Proxy. Technical report, 2000. [WWW ]

  10. Sun Microsystems. Dynamic Proxy Classes. Technical report, Sun Microsystems, 2000. [WWW ]

  11. Sun Microsystems. Generating Event Listeners Dynamically -- Using Dynamic Proxies to Generate Event Listeners Dynamically. Technical report, 2000. [WWW ]

  12. Sun Microsystems. Package Java.Lang.Ref. Technical report, 2000.

  13. Monica Pawlan. Reference Objects and Garbage Collector. Technical report, Sun Microsystems, 2000.

  14. Gregor Schmid. Quality Software First -- Qflib -- Packages. Technical report, Quality First Software, 2000. [WWW ]

  15. William C. Wake. XPlorations -- From 0 to Composite (and Back Again). Technical report, ACM, 2000. [WWW ]

  16. William C. Wake. XPlorations -- Refactoring: An Example ; An Example, Extended. Technical report, ACM, 2000. [WWW ]

  17. William C. Wake. XPlorations -- Refactorings from ``Writing Efficient Programs. Technical report, ACM, 2000. [WWW ]

  18. Software assurance technology center. SATC code metrics. Technical report, NASA, August 2000. Note: Http://

Manuals, booklets
  1. J2ME CLDC / KVM Palm Realse -- Release Notes / CLDC 1.0. Sun Microsystems, 2000.

  2. J2ME CLDC Reference Implementation -- Release Notes / CLDC 1.0. Sun Microsystems, 2000.

  3. Palm OS Programming Development Tools Guide -- Using the Palm OS Emulator. Palm Corporation, 2000.

  4. VisualAge Micro Edition Palm Target. IBM / OTI, 2000.

  5. Steve Easterbrook. How Theses Get Written: Some Hot Tips. Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, 2000.

  6. Matt Greenwood. CFParse Distribution. IBM AlphaWorks, September 2000. [WWW ]

  7. Object Management Group. Meta-Object Facility. 2000.

  8. Juha Gustafsson and Lilli Nenonen. User manual for the MAISA metric tool - Version beta. October 2000. Note: Http://

  9. IBM. XMI Toolkit. IBM alphaWorks, 2000.

  10. François Laburthe. Choco's API. OCRE commitee, October 2000. [WWW ]

  11. Sun Microsystems. Compiling for the Java Virtual Machine. Sun Microsystems, 2000. [WWW ]

  12. Sun Microsystems. Java Abstract Window Toolkit. May 2000. [WWW ]

  13. UKSMA. Quality Standards Defect Measurement Manual. United Kingdom Software Metrics Association, October 2000. [WWW ]

  1. Abass Ndiaye and Jacques Noyé. Enterprise JavaBeans & Modèle de Composants Serveurs À Grain Fin. Master's thesis, Université de Nantes (France), 2000.

  2. Association, Aggregation, Composition, Delegation, 2000.

  3. Hervé Albin-Amiot. Introduction Au Système de Chargement Dynamique de Classes Java Ou ``ClassLoader, November 2000.

  4. Xavier Alvarez. MOOSE/FAMIX: An Informal Presentation, 2000. Note: Presentation to the Objects, Components, and Models team at the CS department of the Ecole des Mines de Nantes.

  5. Federico Bergenti and Agostino Poggi. Improving UML Design Using Automatic Design Pattern Detection, July 2000. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  6. Daniel Jackson and Martin Rinard. Software Analysis: A Roadmap, June 2000. Note: Talk at the ICSE conference. [WWW ]

  7. Tae-gyun Kim. A Research on Coding Legacy Program Source Code Parser, December 2000. Note: Report on a project for Servlet reverse-engineering. [WWW ]

  8. Ludger Martin and Elke Siemon. Component Visualization Based on the Programmer's Conceptual Models, June 2000. Note: Poster at OOPSLA'00.

  9. François Merand and Emmanuel Deletang. Dévelopement de Composants Multi-Niveaux Avec Microsoft Windows 2000, 2000.

  10. Qualitec -- Groupe Sodifrance. Scriptor -- Le générateur nouvelle génération, 2000. [WWW ]

  11. Sourceforge. JRefactory, October 2000. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  12. Rational Software Technical Support. What is the Difference Between Aggregation and Composition and How are They Represented in Rose?, March 2000. [WWW ]

  13. William C. Wake. Java Coding Conventions on One Page, 2000.

  14. Universität Wien. Aggregation and Composite Objects., July 2000. [WWW ]

  15. Kent Beck et al.. Code Smells at Wiki, 2000. [WWW ]

  16. Hervé Albin-Amiot. Idiomes et Patterns : Application À la Documentation, la Génération, la Rétro-Conception et la Traduction Automatique de Programmes. , 2000. Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

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