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    Since 07/09/20
Welcome on the web of the Thesis Student Meeting, a.k.a. la Réunion Des Thésards (RDT). The RDT is a meeting dedicated to the students of the computer science department of the École des Mines de Nantes (DEA, Master, or PhD). |
The RDT has two main objectives. On one hand, it is a place where PhD students can meet, exchange ideas, discuss and share their interests, and talk about their life in the department. On the other hand, the RDT is a place where PhD students can present their works and train without any pressure. |
The RDT is parallel to the meeting of the department, which only assistant-professors and professors attend. In some cases, assistant-professors and professors may attend the RDT; as, sometimes, PhD students attend the meeting of the department. |
Every Tuesday, at 1:30 p.m., all the PhD students of our department meet in the meeting room for about 1 hour. During that hour, a PhD student presents a subject of her interest and, later, PhD students discuss about any subject. Participating to the RDT is not mandatory; however, it is best when all the PhD students attend : The more we are, the more we laugh! |
In this year 2001, the first RDT took place the 11th of September, with the oral presentation of Nabila for her DEA thesis. Here is a list of the RDT done and to come: |
- 01/09/25 - Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc: Sorry, I am in holidays!...
- 01/10/02 - Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc: "Behind you! A virtual machine!"
- 01/10/09 - Pierre Dragicevic: "Quikwriting and other pen-based text input methods"
- 01/10/16 - No presentation
- 01/10/23 - No presentation, tons of discussion...
- 01/10/30 - Mohamed Tounsi : "Successive Search Method for Solving Valued Constraint Satisfaction and
Optimization Problems"
- 01/11/06 - Pierre-Charles David : "The Ruby Programming Language", see www.ruby-lang.org and www.rubycentral.com/book/
- 01/11/13 - Samir Loudni: "Constraint Resolution Algorithms"
- 01/11/20 - Hervé Albin-Amiot : "Instantiation and Detection of Design Patterns"
- 01/12/04 - Marc Ségura-Devillechaise : "Naive"
- 01/12/18 - Zahi Jarir : "Dynamic Adaptability of Services in JOnAS (Java Open Application Server)"
- 02/01/08 - No presentation, discussion about the RDT, PhD students representatives, ...
- 02/01/15 - Olivier Motelet: "Using hypermedias to acquire knowledge"
- 02/01/22 - Abdallah Elkhyari: "Ordering problems Technics of deduction, constraint propagation"
- 02/01/29 - Gustavo Bobeff: "Partial evaluation"
- 02/02/05 - Andrés Farias: "CWEP: A Component Model with Explicit Protocols"
- 01/10/16 - No presentation
- 02/02/19 - Yannig Perre: "On the interoperability of the synchronous languages Lustre and Esterel"
- 02/02/26 - No presentation
- 02/03/05 - Presentation of the students in DEA and Master theses
- 02/03/12 - Stéphane Huot: "From architectural strokes to a post-WIMP interface for 3D modelling"
- 02/03/19 - No presentation
- 02/03/26 - Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc: "Caffeine, the essence of Java" (30% of attendance)
- 02/04/02 - No presentation, tons of discussion... (43% of attendance)
- 02/04/09 - Andrés Farias: "Extended Types" (30% of attendance)
- 02/04/16 - Yannig Perre: "Introduction to Linux" (30% of attendance)
- 02/04/23 - Marc Ségura-Devillechaise: "Presentation of FreeBSD" (30% of attendance)
- 02/04/30 - Rodrigo Méza: "Detection of similarities in source code" (50% of attendance)
- 02/05/07 - Marc Ségura-Devillechaise: "Caching Web-services: Aspect-orientation to the Rescue"
- 02/05/14 - Laura Ponisio: "XML Patterns" (50% of attendance)
- 02/05/21 - Pierre-Charles David: "A technical overview of XML" (33% of attendance)
- 02/05/28 - No presentation, discussions on the representation of thesis students in the department.
- 02/06/04 - Keqiang An: "Web services development overview" (37% of attendance)
- No presentations: Summer break...
- 02/07/09 - Eric Tanter: "JInline A Tool for Altering Java Semantics" (42% of attendance)
- 02/07/16 - Julien Blass : "Open Containers and Dynamic Adaptability of Services in the EJB Model"