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    Since 07/09/20
One of the goal of my Ph.D. thesis and of my research work
is the formalisation of bad design patterns to detect them in random Java code,
and then to improve the corresponding code.
Lot of studies are being made on the formalisation of design patterns, to extract
them, to transform them and to generate them.
This problem is deeply related to my studies. |
In this context, I am currently working at some enhancements of
a meta-model to describe design patterns.
This meta-model has been defined and implemented by
Hervé Albin-Amiot, also Ph.D. from
École des Mines of Nantes.
From this meta-model, I have implemented a framework for the visual display of
design patterns. |
You can find beneath: the implementation of the meta-model
(PatternsBox), the graphic framework (JTU), and a detailed presentation
of the meta-model and its goals and limitations. |
11 Oct 00 | PatternsBox.jar v0.143 (including CFParse v1.20) | jar | 11 Oct 00 | JTU.jar v0.187 (same as above plus Blocks v0.31, Javassist v0.7 and
JavaXL v1.0.a.4) | jar | 12 Oct 00 | The VAJ repository (including Blocks v0.31,
PatternsBox v0.143, JavaXL v1.0.a.4, JTU v0.187, CFParse v1.20 and Javassist v0.7) | zip | 6 Oct 00 | Design patterns: representation, detection et code
generation from a meta-model | doc |
A demo of the Repository Viewer is available for
Palm Pilot. This demo demonstrate the compliance of the JTU graphical
framework implementation to the standards. In fact, it required not to use some
features of AWT because the Palm implementation of AWT is minimum. |