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    Since 07/09/20
The idea is to have a meta-model to represent design patterns, dedicated
to instantiation and detection. Once a design pattern (such as Composite, Facade,
Mediator, Singleton so far) has been described using this meta-model, it is
possible to instantiate it on a given user code (to adapt the user code to the pattern
specifications) and to detect instances of this pattern (with more or less accuracy level)
within given pieces of code. |
Such a representation has two purposes: design patterns are now first-class
entities within the language (in a language-independent way), and it is possible to detect
design defects (pieces of code that relate to specific design patterns with very low accuracy or
that relate to no known design patterns) to automatically improve the overall design of the
application (at a higher level than the Law of Demeter or others) by applying refactorings. |
This page presents a demo of our tool MACRViewer (Model, Analysis, and
Constraints Results Viewer). It may take time to load since the jar archive is quite big
(you can download this file below). |
The tool demonstrates the basics of our research. (This is only a simple
demo, the real tool behaves differently on certain actions.) |
- First, click the Load project button, this will load a simple (demo)
application within the tool. This application is represented using a visual notation related to
the Class Diagram notation of [GoF94]. The visual notation may be modified to include more or
less details by (de)selecting any of the checkboxes located on the bottom right corner of the
The application consists of a Main class, that creates an instance of the
Document class, and attaches to it instances of the classes Title ,
Paragraph , and IndentedParagraph .
- Second, click on the Load extra information button. An new diagram
similar to the previous application appears. This diagram contains more information: the
relationship between the class Document and the interface Element has changed
from an association to a composition. The extra information about the dynamic behaviour of the
program is obtained using our dynamic analysis tool
- Third, click on the Load concrete patterns button. New graphical
elements appear on the class diagram. Click on the corner of the box highlighting the class
Document :
highlights the related class and brings up a new element explaining in more details the
relationship between these classes. It means, in our example, that the classes
Document , Element , and Paragraph are part of a
Composite pattern as described in the [GoF94], with 25% of accuracy. This accuracy
value corresponds to the fact that according to the "pure" definition of the
Composite pattern, the class Document should implement interface
Element , as it is suggested by the line:
XCommand = Composite,
Component | javaXL.XClass c1, javaXL.XClass c2 | c1.setSuperclass(c2.getName());
The results presented here have been automatically obtain from our constraints system.
A model of the application augmented with dynamic information is used as domain for a set
of constraints dedicated to find instances of the Composite pattern. The constrain
solver finds all the possible solutions and also automatically relax constraints to find more
solutions with less and less accuracy. This solver, Ptidej Solver, is
an extension of the explanation-based contraint programming system
PaLM developed by
Narendra Jussien on top of the Choco
constraints system.
- Finally, once a solution (a set of classes that correspond to a specific
design pattern with more or less accuracy) is chosen, click on the
Modify source structure button to automatically apply the modifications suggested for
this group of classes to instantiate at 100% the corresponding design pattern. Thus, the
Document implements interface Element .
| File | 28 Jul 04 | Jar file for the demo. applet (including the .html file needed to run the demo). | jar |